Andrea Maguire



Andrea Maguire was born in Toronto in 1955, and she still makes her home in the city.  A widely exhibited artist, her studies in mythology, psychology and meditation help her to explore the human psyche and create new ways of expression in this world of perpetual change.

With degrees from the University of Toronto and the Ontario College of Art, Maguire has worked as a teacher (art and history) and as an illustrator.  She has exhibited in prestigious group shows since 1975, and more recently has presented her mixed media images in solo exhibitions in Toronto.  Two resoundingly successful group shows in New York earlier this year led to a place at the Monserrat Gallery in Soho.

Maguire’s reflective and meditative approach to her art is particularly in harmony with the spirituality of the ancient culture and sacred traditions that are still a vital part of Tibet today.  Deeply moved by her recent visit, her beautiful abstract images with their interplay of texture, colour and collage, evoke the poignant sensations and the raw ancient energy she found imbued in the long forbidden land.