About Us

Gallery Arcturus is a not-for-profit contemporary art exhibit and education centre located in downtown Toronto.

It is funded and operated by The Foundation for the Study of Objective Art,

a private charity established to promote the study of art.


Most of our services are provided free of charge to the general public.

Capital and operating requirements are met from charitable contributions which are tax deductible.

The Foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors.


Exhibits at Gallery Arcturus are conceived and developed by Artistic Director deborah harris.

She collaborates with a multi-talented team which includes her assistant Sae Kimura, gallery manager Cathy Stilo,

video producer and collage co-ordinator Eron Boyd, communications director Ed Drass and

building maintenance by Mark Tai.


The Foundation is presently committed to five major programs:


Creating art as the medium to inquire into our shared human existence.

Collecting work for the permanent collection by contemporary artists to exhibit as part of our inquiry.

Publishing books of the work accomplished in the gallery.

Providing a sanctuary where beauty and inquiry can meet.

Reaching out to the community by providing workshops, creating videos and inviting access to our process as it happens.




Gallery Arcturus is committed to using art as the means of inquiry.

Each exhibition focuses on a particular question that is grounded in what it is to be human.

Works may be pulled from our permanent collection of sculptures, paintings and drawings.

New works are often created in the gallery space in response to the proposed inquiry.

Placement and the relationships between pieces creates an experience for the viewer to participate in.

This is how shows evolve.

Our evaluation of artists' submissions is specific to this criteria. A willingness to be part of such a collaboration is essential

but work must also be compatible with the exploration that is in process.

We understand that this is not a way many artists wish to work with a gallery.

We are unique in our purpose and are not commercial.

The works shown here are intended to be experienced, not sold.

Seeing the collected works in the gallery space is a further process of discovery for anyone who may wish to contribute.

If you are curious to know more please visit the gallery space.


Curator and artist,

deborah harris